A time to meet, listen, and share

A time to meet, listen, and share

Taking part in our Assemblies means having moments of grace, great joy, and interaction, as this is what happens every time we are together with our Sisters from other communities and our Associates. 

As usual, we arrived one day before the start of the 2024 Assembly. We were very warmly welcomed, indeed with great affection and care, by the São José community. They offered us an enjoyable moment in which we could rest from our traveling, relax a little, and have a fun, thanks to an amusing dynamic of interaction and conviviality while enjoying the delicious pizzas made by Sister Francesca Atorino!  

We had the joy of having with us Sr. Wilma Molinari, our Congregational Minister, who presented us with a beautiful explanation about the main decisions made during the 2023 General Chapter held in Lourdes, France, and gave space for us to ask questions, make comments, and request clarifications.  

It was very important for us to hear that the new leadership has the perspective of carrying out its functions in an open manner, counting on the involvement and participation of all members of the Congregation. 

We hope that the Synodal spirit really transpires and takes hold in the daily lives of each daughter of Mother Frances! 

Based on the contributions of people who were present at the General Chapter (Sisters as well as an Associate), we realized that the Chapter was a unique experience. Firstly, because it was held on that very land where our dear Mother from Heaven appeared to the young Marie Bernadette Soubirous. It was also where our Mother Frances received a special grace and entrusted our Congregation to her care. And, in that same land, Our Lady of Lourdes graced us with her powerful intercession during the Chapter period. 

During this time of assembly, the Sisters and Associates who could not join the group in Lourdes benefited from the grace of receiving a deeper understanding from the text “The Room in Nazareth” by theologian Lidia Maggi. The interpretation shared was based on the reading and understanding of Mercedes Diez, a missionary and Biblical scholar who is highly committed to working on behalf of the poorest, helping the most excluded, and women’s causes.  

The time allotted to listening and sharing our experiences of joy, suffering, and challenges throughout the past year was rather precious, as it is moments like these that contribute to strengthening our bonds, thus teaching us to live as true sisters in Christ. 

It was also very enriching to be able to rely on each other (Sisters, Associates, and Collaborators) for the activities of organization, coordination, meal preparation, and moments of prayer, etc. It was indeed a wonderful experience, as it was an exercise for us to grow in the sharing of our gifts for the common good. 

In short, there were so many rich moments that, when it all ended, we were already feeling a bit nostalgic and nurturing expectations for our next Assembly. We are grateful to God, Mary, Mother Frances, and everyone who contributed to making this Assembly happen. 

Brazil Area Assembly held in Goiânia  between February 16 – 18, 2024. 

Sister Maria Lúcia Barbosa de Oliveira