Sent to the world to follow the Spirit, we, Sisters and Associates, gathered on March 1 – 3 for our yearly event, the Italian area Assembly.
This is a welcome opportunity that is always characterized by a deep desire to meet again with the same enthusiasm and to spend some time together, despite the various aches and pains that some of us have and the presence of some more white hairs on our heads.
This Assembly had a unique and special flavor, thanks to the update that we received on our General Chapter, which was held in Lourdes last September and during which the new Congregational Leadership was elected.
Among the Assembly participants, we rejoiced in seeing our Congregational Minister, Sr. Wilma Molinari, as well as our Councilors, Sr. Michela Refatto, Sr. Mara Bellutta, and Sr. Sophie Dioh.
They really led us to the heart of our Congregation and recounted for us the long-awaited updates that we had all looked forward to receiving.
To begin this journey, we were guided and accompanied by Mary who, in her room in Nazareth, “learns to listen to the Word, to question herself, and to start her journey towards the mountain, with the deep desire of making Life flourish.”
Afterward, we carefully listened to the updates concerning the Leadership and the Chapter Calls, which will help us in our work over the coming five years and support us in incarnating Mother Frances’ Charism of care. We all felt deeply in our souls that our hands are now holding a gift from God, one that we must protect, live out, and donate.
Another new opportunity helped us to listen to the Spirit. This was the “Conversation in the Spirit,” a way of listening that the recently held Synodal Assembly made use of. We were divided into 8 small groups and we contemplated and meditated on the following question: “To where is the Spirit calling us?”.
After a moment of silence, and following three different steps, each of us shared the fruits of this silent reflection, whose similarities and most original aspects were the object of our subsequent discussion.
During the group sharing, it was noteworthy that many similarities characterized our groups, a clear sign of our common motivation and need to live and consider what we have already been doing with new eyes. In particular we shared our common desire to pause – deemed the ability to live peacefully in a specific context or environment – and to develop a contemplative eye, which will help us to shape our vulnerabilities. Surprisingly enough (or not so surprisingly after all!), the most original aspects that were shared and described were all interesting and different from one another.
Our Meeting was also enriched by times of deep prayer, above all the “Prayer in the Grotto,” which our Chapter Sisters had already lived in Lourdes. We symbolically re-created the Grotto, privileged with the presence of the Virgin, and, through rituals and canons, we entrusted to Mary the fruits of the reflections we had developed together over those days.
The usual recreation of the Saturday night, a moment of our Assembly that we all always look forward to, was an enjoyable and pleasant occasion, during which we all had fun, sang, and danced… and naturally, we all participated in the Karaoke singing for our mascot Santina.
On Sunday, we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the departure for Heaven of our dear sr. Giuseppina Bertini. She was the first young woman to join the Youth Center in Vermicino.
Together with her siblings and nieces and nephews, we recalled her life, which she donated and devoted to God and the poor. After our celebratory lunch, we returned to our daily lives, which we now feel renewed and enriched. May you all have a fruitful journey!
Sr. Loredana Giugliano, SFP