Pondering New Life

Pondering New Life

Pondering New Life

On Saturday, April 13th, a wonderful group of Sisters, Associates, Staff and Guests gathered on the campus of St. Clare in Schervier Hall for the 2024 Annual Franciscan Sisters of the Poor’s US Assembly.

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The weekend was full of activities with talks, campfire, game night, Mass, “Coffee and Conversations,” ice cream social and more talks happening both before and after the Assembly Day. It was very clear that fun was had by all.

The Assembly included Song, Prayer, Small Group Conversations, Presentations and Fellowship. The Assembly opened with a song, Sing of Mary, honoring Mary, first disciple, full of grace, and beloved of God. This was a wonderful way to begin and set the stage for the day. The theme of the Assembly was “Pondering New Life!” which is fitting since we are all going through many changes in our lives and these realities would come up many times during the Assembly.
Since this was the first Assembly and large gathering of the Charismatic Family after the recent Chapter, we spent much of our time reviewing the journey leading up to and during the Chapter. 
We listened to a wonderful presentation that outlined the meaning of the Chapter Logo where I personally gained a newfound admiration for how well the logo aligns with the Direction of the Pastoral Plan.

ass us 24 02That Direction states, “Strengthened by contemplation, we set out with Mary and nurture the fullness of Life.” In the logo, there is an image of a rose, which has long been associated with Mary. There are soft, pastel, and gentle colors. Interwinding and jumbled lines symbolizing uncertainties and vulnerabilities. Open and welcoming hands, representing the openness for an embrace, like that of Elizabeth and Mary. Finally, the overall flow across the logo represents the breath of the Spirit.

After the presentation of the Chapter Logo, there was a beautiful Prayer of Mother Frances to the Virgin. Then we began a review of all of the work that happened among the Charismatic Family in preparation for the Chapter. It was a great reminder of how we have all contributed to the new Pastoral Plan with many local conversations, submissions of imagery and symbols, and international discussions about our shared and unique realities.

We got to hear from Chapter participants and review pictures of the events that happened in Lourdes during the Chapter. We were also blessed to have members of the new Congregational Leadership team physically in our presence.

ass us 24 03Then, we were provided a draft of the new 2024 – 2028 Pastoral Plan which was just finished right before our Assembly began. We reviewed this both as a larger group and then in smaller groups at our tables. For me, this was the highlight of the Assembly. The Direction and Calls provided a great framework for discussion. I especially like that we are called, through contemplation, to first understand ourselves, our vulnerabilities, and our weaknesses. That we must come to understand what we cannot change. Knowing that before we can give of ourselves, we must nurture and understand ourselves.
My table had a wonderful conversation about our intercultural-ness and how this reality has played out throughout the history of the Congregation. From the early days out of Aachen, Germany into the United States, then to different areas of the United States and more broadly across the world into Italy, Senegal, Brazil, and the Philippines. We also had a very beautiful and real conversation about how hard it is to transition between the different stages in our lives. For me it was a beautiful and honest example of the calls playing out right before my very eyes. Specifically, to transform vulnerability and uncertainty into opportunity for growth and generativity. Each table then shared a summary of their conversation with the larger group.
We ended the Assembly with more Prayer and more Song and refueled ourselves with a shared lunch and fellowship in the dining room. 

Jason Bruns, SFP-Associate