Journeying from the General Chapter: SFP Assembly in the Philippines

Journeying from the General Chapter: SFP Assembly in the Philippines

On April 21, 2024, the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor in Dumaguete City gathered with five Associates for the assembly. We were joined by Sr. Sophie Emilie Dioh as our special guest. Sr. Sophie came to share life with us and to personally lead the group in this special event.
In addition to Sr. Sophie, present at the assembly, which preceded the renewal of the Associates’ covenants for 5 years, were Sr. Rose Ndong, Sr. Francesca Vitulano, Sr. Marina Triglia, and our Associates Glenda, Biena Marieta, Sol, Rosemela, and Mary Judaline.

The assembly lasted a day and developed our Chapter Direction “Strengthened by contemplation, we set out with Mary and nurture the fullness of Life.” We prayed, shared, heard a lecture focused on Mary in the room in Nazareth, and took part in solitude and silence. There was even singing and dancing in thanksgiving.
The participants were allowed time individually and as a group to meditate on the sub-themes of the assembly, such as “starting from ourselves to surpass ourselves” and “transforming vulnerability and uncertainty into opportunities for growth and generativity.”
Each participant was asked to spend about five minutes “in the room,” contemplating the guiding question “Where is the Spirit calling us?” Participants then shared their individual thoughts.

The Associates later shared their thoughts on the assembly:

The Assembly of the SFP Sisters and Associates in Dumaguete City was a blessing from our loving God. Our diversity, interculturality and self-uniqueness were so manifest during the Assembly, but everyone understood each other regardless of the language spoken. The Holy Spirit was truly with us the whole time. – Glenda

The assembly was very helpful for me as I journey in life as an Associate. It helped me to understand how to listen deeply to the spirit and to grow in faith through prayer and contemplation. It gives me guidance on how to serve the poor who are vulnerable and who need to be treated with utmost care. – Rosemela

The assembly, guided by the Holy Spirit, was a momentous event for me because it was held on the day of our renewal of vows as Associates. The topic was all about the direction of the congregation for five years as well as for us Associates. – Biena Marieta

I am touched by the complete service, listening, and being truthful to ourselves and to others. We continue to love and pray, be faithful, and to help others. – Sol

The assembly brought new meaning and direction to my life as an SFP Associate and as a Catholic Christian wanting to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The presence of Mary in the Room in Nazareth helps us to understand our individual roles in being mindful of others in a contemplative manner, and being responsive to the leading of the Holy Spirit. – Mary Judaline

The Assembly concluded with a Mass presided over by Msgr. Julius Perpetuo S. Heruela, followed by the Associates’ Renewal of Covenants, which took place before Sr. Sophie and the other Sisters, with family and friends in attendance. The Associates are thankful to Sr. Sophie, the other Sisters, and the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor for this invitation to serve the poor, inspired by the life of Mother Frances.