My “Yes” To God

My “Yes” To God

“Looking at him, he loved him”

This passage from the Gospel of Mark has accompanied me since the beginning of my journey. Jesus’s gaze during these years has been a beacon guiding me to consecrate myself to God in the family of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor on September 21, 2024.

It was a day that was anticipated, prepared for, and experienced in beauty and fullness. God’s love was alive in the different faces of the sisters, of my family, and of my friends.

It was a moment when I felt enveloped by an embrace filled with so much tenderness!

During the celebration, which took place in the Chapel of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate in Vermicino, my heart was pounding, but I felt indescribable peace and joy. I felt like the Lord had always been calling me to take this step, to draw me in closer.                                                                                                   

One important moment occurred when I received the red cross from the Congregational Minister, the symbol of our Congregation. In that instant I felt that together with that cross I was being entrusted with the care of all poor and suffering humanity. It was a very powerful moment that will remain engraved on my heart.

The mass concluded with a beautiful African song of praise and thanksgiving. The presence of the Senegalese sisters, with whom I shared my time in the Novitiate, gave us all the opportunity to taste the beauty of being an intercultural family, united by God’s and Mother Frances’s love, and to bear witness to it to all those present.

The party that followed the celebration took place in our Casetta Nova Community and was a triumph of smiles, joy, and much happiness. We danced, tasted so much delicious food, and in the fun, we enjoyed the beauty of being together!

It was wonderful to be able to share this step with the people who accompanied me during these years of my journey, because through them I also experienced God’s generosity, which takes care of me in detail!

I am grateful to my sisters who did not skimp to make this day even more special! I give thanks to God for what I have lived and I am eager to continue to follow God and to testify to the beauty of being a daughter who is loved and free.

Sr. Roberta Mauro sfp