Sr. June Georgia Casterton, SFP

February 28, 1945 – April 8, 2023

Sr. June Casterton was a remarkable woman of God. The portrait of her entire life reflects a woman who used her gifts and skills to better people’s lives and make God tangibly present. June was born to Cory and Emma Eiter Casterton on February 28, 1945 in Waukegan, IL, the second of four children. An older brother, Mike and younger siblings, Susan and Jim, rounded out the family. Although born with some hearing impairment, June’s parents encouraged her to fit in rather than stand out with her loss. June, in turn, learned to be assertive, entertaining herself with reading and using her intellect in full measure.

While still a child, the family relocated to Daytona Beach, FL, where she grew up with her brothers and sister and developed a deep appreciation of the beauty of the ocean and sand. June attended Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and Elementary School, graduating in 1959, and attended Father Lopez High School, Daytona Beach, FL, graduating in 1963. Immediately going on to study at Florida Atlantic University, June received a BA in 1967 and an MA in 1968, both in Psychology. She went on to hold jobs in the business field before becoming an Employment Counselor in 1973, a position she held until she responded to the call to religious life in 1975.

At age 30, June was already a woman of prayer and introspection, one who had learned to listen well not only to others, but to the deeper desires of her own heart. Upon meeting the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, she appreciated the respect they had for one another, the importance of prayer and life in community, and the encouragement for sisters to seek and live simple lifestyle. The words of St. Francis, “This is what I want; this is what I seek; this is what I long for with all my heart” resonated in her heart as well, and June entered the Novitiate on August 30, 1975, made her first Profession of Vows on August 25, 1977, and her Perpetual Profession on April 17, 1982.

During her formation, Sr. June decided to pursue Clinical Pastoral Education and became a hospital chaplain, serving for 10 years at St. Elizabeth Medical Center in Dayton, OH. She had obtained an MA in Religious Studies from Mount St. Mary Seminary in 1979, and eventually became the Director of Pastoral Services at St. Elizabeth’s. Because of her skills in organization and ability at creative thinking, Sr. June became the Vice-President for Mission for the Franciscan Health Partnership, a national health care network, a positions she held from 1987 to 1998. She also served in Leadership for the Franciscan Sister of the Poor, serving as a Regional Counselor from 1990 to 1993, and again from 1997 to 2004.

Because of her own experience of hearing loss, Sr. June initiated the first Self-Help for Hard of Hearing People Support Group in Dayton, and was even recognized as a Woman of the Year by the Dayton Daily News for her efforts for the hearing impaired. She was an unusual woman, a pioneer even, in the way she transformed what others might have seen as a handicap into a gift that she shared with many others, enriching their lives with her curiosity, compassion and courage to try new things!

As Sr. June’s hearing loss progressed, she obtained bilateral cochlear implants. Again she reached out to others with similar hearing challenges, both on a personal level and with support groups, advocating for those in need of greater assistance with hearing loss and encouraging others who also had
cochlear implants.

In subsequent years, Sr. June became actively involved in St. Clare Parish, Cincinnati, OH, serving at one time on the Parish Council and directing the Interfaith Hospitality Network, offering temporary housing to homeless families. In 2019, Sr. June received the Ozanam Award from the St. Vincent de Paul Society for “hearing with Jesus’ ears the needs of the poor.” For several years, Sr. June was also involved with being a court-appointed guardian for persons in nursing facilities in Cincinnati.

In most recent times, Sr. June had been involved as Coordinator of the Franciscan Peddler Thrift Shop, a sponsored ministry of the Congregation that raises funds for Franciscan Ministries.
Over the past two years, as her health gradually declined, Sr. June witnessed to the ultimate act of surrender. She faced her increasing health issues with courage and hope, as well as being realistic about what she was experiencing, accepting the advice and suggestions of her doctors willingly. She
was greatly encouraged by the loving support of her family and friends during her last days. A healer in death as well as in life, Sr. June donated her body to UC Medical School for future healers.

Sr. June leaves behind her religious family, the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, her siblings, Susan Leorza, Mike and Jim Casterton and their families, along with many friends and associates. She was preceded in death by her brother-in-law, Lou Leorza, and her nephew, Luis Leorza. The Liturgy of Resurrection will occur on Tuesday, April 25 at St. Clare Chapel. Sr. June, we pray with and for you that the Beloved One you sought to serve in all your interactions with others will truly be the One who holds your heart, your life, for all eternity.

Sr. June Georgia Casterton, SFP
“It Will Unfold, As It Is Meant To Be”

She used her head quite easily,
determined, smart and brave,
Persist, persist and overcome
what encouragement she gave.

She used her heart quite naturally,
to surprise, support and give,
Her faith reached out to nurture souls
to grow and fully live.

And through her life, perhaps we’ll see,
when head and heart combine,
The lesson there for all of us,
How bright our souls can shine!

© 2023 Beverly Kaye


The following are some testimonials from our Sisters, Associates and friends who remember with affection Sr. June Casterton:

“A true friend is half your soul.”
Whenever I hear this particular quote of St. Augustine, I think of my meeting June in 1974.
From that meeting onward, I felt as if we were united by our mutual desire to become “ God seekers”. Although quite different in personality and our approach to life, we were united by the essentials: our common Franciscan call, love of our healing charism and the venture and adventure of our sisterhood over decades of life. In these last two years, June lived and witnessed to me about what real suffering and self surrender look like. God found her worthy as an everlasting friend!

Sr. Marilyn Trowbridge, sfp
June was a true friend!  Working on our relationship to keep it alive!
June gave life her all- 100%!  She was a person of deep faith & a realist, often saying ‘It is what it is.’ I miss her!

Sr. Bonnie Steinlage, sfp
I thank God for the gift that Sr. June has been to me and to many people. From the very first meeting I was able to recognize and appreciate in her many gifts, such as her hospitality, creativity, patience…. Of all of them, I particularly keep in my heart her ability to adapt to people and situations; and her great faith that was expressed in her trusting abandonment into God’s hands. Thank you June! I am sure that from heaven you will continue to accompany our steps with the same affection with which you knew how to be beside each of us during these years.
Sr. Giannica Selmo, sfp
Dear Sr. June, when I think of you, I think of the first word that I learned in my stay in the US: supporter. Sr June you have always been my “Sister Supporter”. I have benefited from this gift of yours in many ways, particularly in the discovery of talents that I kept hidden because to my eyes they did not say more than that, but to yours they did. Supporter then means not just to support, but sincere appreciation, cheering, encouragement, risk-sharing. Supporter means: to help make life flourish. Thank you my dear Sister June.
Sr. Jenny Favarin, sfp
Dear Sister June,
I remember of you during the preparation of the previous General Chapter, it was a joy to have shared this short stretch of history with you as well.
With my respect and affection,
Carole Consigliere, Sfp Associate
“Life is everywhere, hidden in the most ordinary and unlikely places… All it needs is your faithfulness.”   Prayer by Joyce Rupp
Inner strength and Faithfulness – two words as I recall Sr. June’s dedicated life.
I really came to know Sr. June when Sr. Marie Clement re- located to Magnificat.   Her loving care of Sr. Marie Clement was an example for us all. As difficult as the transition to move to a health care unit can be, Sr. June made every possible effort to assure her transition was smooth, continuing to visit and minister to her emotional and physical needs. Her love was evident in the ordinary tasks of life. The staff and Sisters were also the recipient of her outstanding baking skills! We looked forward to these delicious treats!
Sr. June smiled with her eyes and on these occasions – you felt the grace and love of a good heart. 
“Well done, good and faithful servant.”    Heaven has gained another faithful servant, eternal happiness with God.
Sfp Associate Anne Cabanas
I came to know June from many small meetings through the years and from working with her on committees.
Her picture says it all for me.  Her smile was warm and real. She was interested in everyone and everything about the Congregation and always generous in responding to requests. I admired her honesty which was always offered with kindness. I respected how she lived with her weaknesses and never used them as an excuse.
I feel privileged and blessed to have known June and will honor her as a companion in prayer.  May she know peace.
Ruby Cribbin, facilitator

I am imagining the angels smiling at the arrival of Sr. June. She was one of a kind and such a wonderful support Sister for me when I was working for the Franciscan Ministries. Whenever I need to bounce an idea off on someone, she was always willing to hear me out, offer constructive suggestion and gave me encouragement to “run with it”!
Whenever I needed a Sisters’ presence at the Tau House, she was always volunteering to help me out. I treasured her enthusiasm and the joy she brought to the groups who arrived each week to her warm welcome. She always took the time to engage the young adults in the importance of giving back. She was truly a model for living a Christ-like life.
Sister June will be surely missed by so many people, she inspired so many and her love for the Lord left a lasting impression on so many.
May the loving arms of God wrap around Sister June as she enters her heavenly home.
Chris Lemmon, Sfp employee and friend