What a joy, delight and privilege it was for Sister, Associates, family members and friends to join together to celebrate 10 amazing Jubilarians for their lifetime commitment to God, to one another and to God’s people. On Sunday, October 5, 2024, all were gathered at St. Clare Chapel in Cincinnati to celebrate the extraordinary lives of Sisters Beth Rindler, Mary Jacinta Doyle, Karen Hartman, Mary Madonna Hoying, Pauline Sweeney, Ann Cecile Albers, Jo-Ann Jackowski, Bonnie Steinlage, Marilyn Trowbridge and Teresa Lamparelli.
As Sr. Marilyn Trowbridge welcomed all to the Liturgy, we were invited to reflect on the expansive impact the Jubilarians have had on the world, which encompassed 635 years of ministerial service to God and others.
These countless decades were filled with remarkable lived experiences, service and loving presence. Their charism has been expressed and experienced in a variety of fields and countless ways:
In healthcare, the Jubilarians have been nurses, dieticians, x-ray technicians, chaplains, nurse educators, holistic health practitioners and healthcare administrators.
In the field of outreach, some have been Spiritual Directors, educators, hair stylists, parish music ministers, providers of support to the incarcerated, an advocate for those afflicted with AIDS, directors of homeless shelters and providers of basic care and support to mothers of young children.
On an international level, a sister served in Senegal with women training programs, in Brazil with initial formation and in the Philippines as a support in ministry and community.
And service to the Congregation; with several Sisters having served in formation, membership development and both Regional and Congregational Leadership.
No matter how any Sister ministered or where she served, all have been about the healing charism of Blessed Frances Schervier: to heal the wounds of Christ, in poor suffering humanity. These life efforts for the sake of God’s people have been their privilege and have been attended by God’s grace.
As we entered into the Liturgy, it was apparent that it held a very personal significance to the Jubilarians, as they each had contributed to the planning, selection of readings and music, and all the various parts of the Mass that represented their lives and service to others.