“Let us love one another like children of the same father. Let us act out of love and only speak well of one another. Let us fulfill this duty of mutual love in faithfulness so that it can be seen, ‘that you are my disciples if you love one another.’ Love and harmony are the soul of the community.” (Frances Schervier)
We live in community and we desire to recognize one another as sisters and as ever new gifts for one another. We are united by a common plan of God’s love and called to the daily sharing of experiences, character traits, and different talents. Community life becomes an authentic journey of conversion and growth in freedom and responsibility. It is a true “school” of evangelical life, in which differences can become richness. For this reason, the community is for us something dynamic, open to discussion, that also listens to requests that come from the surrounding area: we live in small local communities, seeking to be an evangelizing witness through the care of relationships, service, and attention to the community as a whole of life.